Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Assignment #10

An Open Letter To Educators

I really enjoyed this blog post by Morgan Bayda. I agree with what she has to say. The education system is still the same as it was 100 years ago. It reminded me of what Dr. Strange said at the beginning of the semester about sending your child to a doctor who still practiced medicine the same way they did 50 years ago. The rest of the world has advanced in technology in just about every aspect, except education. In the video by Dan Brown, he said that he dropped out of school because his schooling was interfering with his education. I don't think this was the best way to do things but he makes a good point. 

bundle of pencilsDon't Let Them Take Pencils Home 

The blog titled Tom Johnson's Adventures In Pencil Integration by John Spencer was the first blog I was assigned to for our Comments4Teachers. I found this blog post to be very interesting. People spend too much time dwelling on the problem, instead of trying to find a solution. As teachers we need to find solution instead of worrying about the issues. 

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life

What is your sentence? and Were you better today that you were yesterday? I thought this was a great video. I think it is very important to ask yourself if you were better today than you were yesterday. I think you should always strive to better yourself. So, my sentence would have to be: "Always strive to better yourself, while helping others to do the same." 


  1. I did not think it was very smart for Dan Brown to drop out of school either. I just think that people who drop out better have an idea of what they want to do or what direction they plan on heading in. There are lots of jobs out there that do not require college degrees, but they may require some type of schooling or training classes. All jobs are learning experiences. Like your sentence says..."you do have to strive to better yourself" and it should be in every job you choose to partake in. You should do your best at any job,whether it is flipping burgers at McDonald's or being President of the United States. You should take pride and work hard to be the best at what you chose to do.

  2. I agree, dropping out is not the solution. Dan Brown's video does ignore an important fact about education, the "Degree". Sure he may do a lot better on his own and more power to him. However, we have an educational system and employers have their requirements and many times (especially for good paying jobs) that is a degree or some kind of proof of higher education. I certainly understand his frustration but I'm not sure abandoning the entire system is going to be productive. Of course, I could be wrong. SS
