Sunday, November 7, 2010

Summary Post C4T #3

For the past three weeks I have been following the blog of Steven Anderson. The first post that I commented on was titled A Level Playing Field. It was about equity. Equity of internet access, computer access,  and discussed the access to people and the over reliance on technology. This was my comment: Hi Mr. Anderson! My name is Krystin Pavey and I'm an Elementary Education major at the University of South Alabama. I think that having and using technology in the classroom can be great; If you have it and use it. I personally don't know of any teachers that are without access to computers and the internet. However, I do know teachers that have access to SmartBoards, computers, the internet, and other devices but they don't utilize them. I think this is partly because of the lack of training on incorporating these technologies into their lessons. Teacher training is imperative.
Wordle by Steven Anderson
The second post I commented on was Why Are You A Life-Long Learner.... The Follow Up. This was a follow up to a post titled Life-Long Learning in which Mr. Anderson made a Google Form asking for responses on why you are a life-long. After receiving over 100 responses and numerous comments, he posted the results in the follow up post. In my comment I left him my sentence that we created last week."Always strive to better yourself, while helping others to do the same." I think this is exactly why we should be life-long learners, to better ourselves.

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